Monday, February 3, 2020

          Important points of Bio, for upcoming NEET exams

1)          Clove oil is obtained from floral buds of Syzygium arometicum (laung) of family Myrtaceae.
2)          Castor oil is obtained from the seed of Ricinus communis (arandi) of family Euphorbiaceae.
3)          Coconut oil is obtained from dried meat of coconut (Cocos nucifera) of family palmae.
4)          Saffron is dried stigmas and tops of styles of Crocus sativus of family Iridaceae.
5)          Tea is a prepared from the dried leaves of Camellia sinensis (Thea-sinensis).
6)          Coffee is powdered roasted seeds of Cofea Arabica of family Rubiaceae.
7)          Cotton is the surface fibre obtained from the hairy outgrowth of testa of Gossyplum s;pecies of family Malvaceae.
8)          Cotton is the oldest known fibre plant.
9)          Flax fibre is the bast fibre obtained from Linum usitatissimum of family Linaceae. It is the chief fibre crop of Europe.
10)       Jute fibre is obtained from Corchorus capsularis. It is the bast fibre obtained from secondary phloem. It is the most important case crop of North-East India.
11)       Sum – hemp fibre is obtained from Crotalaria juncea of family Papilionatae.
12)       Rubber is obtained from the latex of Hevea brasilensis (hevea- rubber) of family Euphorbiaceae and Castilla elastica (Castilla rubber) Ficus elastica (Indian or Assam rubber) of family Moraceae.
13)       The Commercial source of gum is obtained from Acacia Senegal of family Mimosoidae.
14)       Tobacco is the gift of new world to the old world and is obtained from Nicotiana tabacum of family Solanaceae. It contains alkaloid nicotine.
15)       Quinine is obtained from the bark of Cinchona species family Rubiaceae.
16)       Dried leaves, tops and roots of Atropa belladonna of family Solanaceae yield belladonna & atropine.
17)       Heart stimulant “digitoxin” is obtained from the full grown leaf of Digitalis Purpurea of family Scrophulariaceae.
18)       Opium is dried latex of unripe fruits of Papaver somniferum (afim) of family Papaveraceae. It contains alkaloids codeine 8 Morphine.
19)       Chicory powder used to flavor coffee is obtained from the root of Cichorium intybus of family compositae.
20)       Soya- been (Glycine max) of family Papilionatae has highest percentage of proteins (30 to 50%).
21)       Hing is the gum – resin obtained as exudates from the roots of Ferula assafoetida of family Umbelliferae.
22)       Haematoxylin is obtained from the heart wood of Haematoxylon compechianun (log- wood =patang) of family Caesalpinioidae.
23)       The roots of Rauvolfia serpentine of family Apocynaceae yield drug reserpine which reduces high blood pressure.
24)       Pippermint (mint) is obtained by distillation of aerial parts of Mentha arvensis (Pudina) of family Labiatae.
25)       Khus oil is obtained from roots and rhizome of Vitiveria (Khus) of family Graminae.
26)       Santonin is extracted from flower buds of Artemisia absinthium of family Compositae.
27)       Potato (Solanum tuberosum) of family Solanceae a natia of America is the most important tuber crop of the world.
28)       Barley (Hordeum vulgare) of family Graminae is considered to be the oldest cultivated crop plant.
29)       Wheat is the prime gift of old world to new world.
30)       Maize is the gift of new world to old world.
31)       Unite states is the largest producer of wheat.
32)       Rice (Oryza sativa) of family Graminae is the principal food of the world.
33)       Safflower oil is obtained from the seeds of Carthamus tinctorius of family Loganiaceae. It contains Strychnine and Bruchine.
34)       Nux- vomica is obtainedfrom the seeds of Strychnos nux- vomica of family Loganiaceae. It contains Strychnine and Bruchine.
35)       Potato, Tomato, tobacco, Ground nut, Rubber, malze, Sunflower, Papaya, Pumkin, Pepper etc. are examples of new world crops.
36)       Wheat, Rice, Barley, pea, Soya-been, Coconut, Sugarcane, Carrot, Garlic, Banana, Coffee, Tea, Jute etc. are examples of old world crops.
37)       Cotton is one of the crops which were present in both new and old world.
38)       The two main food crops of the world are wheat and rice.
39)       The introduction of the dwarfing genes viz. Dee-geo-woo-gen in rice from Taiwan and Norin- 10 from Japan in wheat gave the world new high yielding varieties of rice and wheat.
40)       IR-36 is the most widely grown rice variety in the world.
41)       The winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) a herbaceous nitrogen fixing legume. It is a vine, It produces long pods with four prominent wings (hence the name winged bean). The nutritive value of ripe seeds is closed to that of Soyabean (34% protein & 18% oil).
42)       The seeds of jojoba pronounced as ho-ho-ba (simmondisa-chinensis) contain about 50% by weight of a liquid wax which is of the same quality as sperm whale wil. The plant is dioecious and true drought resistant shrub.
43)       Guayule pronounced as wa-ye-le (Parthenium argentatum) is a perennial rubber yielding shrub that occurs wild in the deserts of Mexico & south Western United States. Purified guayule rubber is chemically similar to Para-rubber. Thus wild stands of guayule are potential source of natural rubber.
44)       Subabul (Leucaena leuccocephala) a fast growing leguminoustre found in Central America. It is used as fodder for buffaloes & goats etc. Its wood is excellent for fuel and charcoal. The wood is also ideally suitable for small timber. The cut tree stumps readily regrow ^& produced healthy shoots.
45)       Seeds which are able to withstand reduction in moisture and temperature are called orthodox seeds e.g. Cereals, legumes etc.
46)       Seeds that are killed by drying & freezing temperature are called recalcitrant seeds e.g. Jack-fruit, litchi. Coconut, coffee etc.
47)       The seed of dwarf Mexican wheats sonara- 64 and lerma rojo were introduced to India in 1963. By further selection & modification they were integrated to Indian agriculture. It paved the way for green revolution through the efforts of Dr. M.S. Swaminathan and other scientists.
48)       Pesticides are chemicals which protect crops from various diseases and pests.
49)       The important pesticides are gruped in organochlorines eg. DDT, BHC, Aldrin, Endosuphon etc. (Organophosphates leg. Malathion, Parathion, Fenitrothion etc.) Carbamates leg. Carbaryl, Carbofuran, aldicarb etc.) Pyrathroids eg. Synthetic derivatives of Pyrethrin) and trianines eg. Simagine, Astrazine etc.)
50)       Pesticides include fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, insecticides and nematicides.
51)       Bordeaux mixture (copper sulphate + calcium hydroxide) is an Important fungicides discovered by Millerdt.
52)       All pesticides are poisons.
53)       Biofertillzers are organisms which brin about nutrient enrichment of the soil. These are nitrogen fixing bacteria, Cyanobacteria & Mycorrhiza etc.
54)       The farm-yard manure consisting of a mixture of cattle dung and crop residues.
55)       In preparing green-manure, a fast growing crop is cultivated and ploughed under the soil to provide the organic matter.
56)       The plant commonly used as green manure in India are sun-hemp (Crotalaria juncea) Dhanincha (Sesbania uleata) Cluster bean (Cyamopsis tefragonoloba), barseen (Trifolium sp.) Lentil (Lensculinaris) etc.
57)       The over-growth of cacti was checked by introduction of cochinealinsect (Coctoblastic cactorum).
58)       The first bio-herbicide (Myco-herbicide) was developed in 1981 based on the fungus (Phytophthora palmivera). It controls the growth of milk west vines in citrus orchard.
59)       Endomycorrhizae grows inside the root. Some endomycorrhizae form vesicle and arbuscules (branched masses) and hence are called VAM (Vasicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae).
60)       The present day need is integrated Pest Management (IPM) which envisages decrease in the use of chemical pesticides and greater application of biological control method.
61)       Mycorrhiza means fungus root, VAM helps in phosphate absorption from soil.
62)       Fungus partner is commonly Zygomycetes in Endomycorrhiza & Basidiomycetes in Ectomycorrhiza.
63)       Rhizophore of Selaginella is called as organ sui-generis ie an organ having character of both i.e. stem as well as root, but independent in origin.

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